Oct 29, 2012

I  laugh .

I  love.

I  hope.

I  try.

I  hurt.

I  need.

I  fear.

I  cry.

And I know that you do the same things too .

So we're really  not that different , me and you .




I sincerely 'f' you

Saw my ex status describing me as " give the toys to the less fortunate " .

Oh yeah , what about
"Give the chances to a better boy who knows how to appreciate me ?"

I didn't say any negative things about you , i seriously don't know why you wanna say those kind of thing .If you wanna say , please do message me and scold me . Do not shoot me towards the air ok? At least , i knew i made a right choice .

Bless you happy long lasting with her ^^

Of course i will prove it to you whether who is the "toys" . And please , tell your fucking friend stop updating you about me , kthxbai .

P/s : Hmm .. thinking that you might find excuses like " I only got you one ex meh ?" / "I got say toys is you meh?" / " I didn't mention your name why you admit is yourself lol ?" . But please la , see also know you are shooting me right ?

PP/s : I am really fine , don't worry about me , at least today is a special day for me , and i will remains strong because i already met the biggest challenge in my 17 years old life .

Photo Diary : Not study

Waiting bus at bus stop .
with my sister, do we look similar?
my ankle got injured
What i eat every night as supper during exam period
Yummeh but oily nasi goreng 
silly things for my Hubby LOL
failed kimchi
Renald and Me